2016 Spring Conference Info


SCDHEC approved 7.0 CEUs.

National SWANA ipproved 8.0 CEUs.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

9:00-12:30           Registration/Vendor setup

                                 SWANA Certification Exams


12:30-12:45          Welcome and Announcements


12:45-1:15             Household Hazardous Waste - Program Set Up, Challenges, & Success

                Bill Hilling, Horry County Solid Waste Authority

                Stephanie Todd, Horry County Solid Waste Authority

Household Hazardous Waste - Options for Successful Management

                Shelley Robbins, Upstate Forever


1:15-1:45                Geocell: When nothing else will do. Closure application for steep slopes, Earthquake Zone 4 and Hurricane conditions

                                               Chris Lund, PE, PSS, Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc.


1:45-2:15               Drones are coming - Are You Ready?

                                                Jessica J.O. King, Williams Mullen

                                                Scott Brown, PE Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.


2:15-3:00              Break – Visit with Exhibitors


3:003:30              The State of Leachate Evaporation in the Southeast

                                               J Morgan, PE, SCS Engineers

3:30-4:00            Overview and Case Histories of an Engineered Turf Closure Solution at MSW Landfills

                                               Chris Eichelberger, Agru America


4:00-4:30             Alternative Final Closure System Using Synthetic Turf - A 2 Year Update

Steve Lamb, PE, SCS Engineers

4:30-5:00             Trail Ridge Landfill - Groundwater and Wetland Management for a Class 1 Expansion

Lisa Sterling, CDM Smith



Thursday, May 19, 2016


8:30-9:15              Use of indicator parameters to diagnose the potential source(s) of groundwater contamination

                                               Shawn Carroll, Waste Management, Inc.

9:15 -9:45            Biomass for electric power generation at EDF plants

Elizabeth Kress, Santee Cooper


9:45-10:15             Safety

John Tilton, Waste Management, Inc.     


10:15-10:45          Break – Visit with Exhibitors


10:45-11:15            Water Treatment for Coal Combustion Residuals

John Glover, Glover Construction Company, Inc.


11:15-11:45            An Innovative Design for Leachate Collection Pipes to Eliminate Clogging of Geotextiles

Ali Khatami, Ph.D., PE, SCS Engineers

11:45 - 12:15           Evolving Recycling Systems and Strategies - The Effect on Recycling Goals

Amanda Fairley, Waste Management, Inc.


11:45-1:00             Lunch Buffet in Sawgrass Room  



Friday, May 20, 2016




9:00-9:30           Active Landfill Gas Control

                                     Stacey Smith, Smith Gardner


9:30-10:00          Legislative Update  

                               Art Braswell, Braswell Consulting


10:00- 10:30        Break – All completed Dance Cards should be turned in for a chance at the $500 drawing. The drawing will take place during the Conference Wrap-Up You must be present to win.


10:30-11:30          SCDHEC Update


11:30- 12:00         Conference Wrap-Up


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